!     Example of how use CONNECT SCREEN from Basic                            
!     This example uses the sample data that is sent out with Idol-IV         
!     This sample libaray is UT.                                              
00010 REM &REM&                                                               
00100 CALL "IDPUB4",]6$,]7$,]8$,]9$    ! Set Idol-IV System Variables         
00110 CALL "8ZPSYS",]SYSV$             !                                      
00120 DIM SCREEN$[17]                  ! Dimension SCREEN$ for call           
00130 LET SCREEN$[1] = "IASCUST",      ! Screen Name                          
          SCREEN$[8] = "IAVCUST"       ! View Name                            
00140 CALL "OO2A",SCREEN$[ALL]         ! Call CONNECT SCREEN                  
00200 END